AKDSL & NIFT Partnered To Pioneer The Launch Of Digital Signature

AKDSL & NIFT partnered to pioneer the launch of Digital Signature.
AKDSL & NIFT has joined hands to launch the new technology that brings another revolution to the financial industry. AKDSL & NIFT partnered to pioneer the launch of Digital Signature Practice enabling clients both institutional and retail to electronically fulfill the requirements as prescribed by respective regulators. NIFT being a National cheque clearing house also providing Digital Identity Solution & PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) Services to their clients, under the ambit of recent focus of GoP for ease of doing business and digitization "NIFT is focused to digitize the real world use cases that support in increasing investments and savings through creating convenience and digital process without compromising on the controls in place," said Haider Wahab, CEO of NIFT. "We are laying the foundation of an agnostic platform which connects all the players in an inoperable ecosystem for all entities resolving the inherent limitations of the physical transactions." This collaboration will empower mutual fund and financial securities industry for remote digital on-boarding of Investors.